Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Weekly Motivational Message

Greetings everyone-

This week’s motivation comes from the story of the 4-minute mile.
For thousands of years, people held the belief that it was impossible for a human to run the mile in less than 4 minutes. The ancient Greeks even had lions chase the runners, but it was still ‘impossible’.

But in 1954, Roger Banister broke this imposing belief barrier. What’s more significant is what this breakthrough did for others. In the whole history of the human race, no one had ever been able to break a 4-minute mile, yet after Roger within one year barrier, 37 other runners also broke it. His experience provided them with a strong sense of certainty that they too could ‘do the impossible.’ And the year after that, 300 other runners did the same thing!
This week, let’s look for shattering a belief barrier that may be holding us back.

Have a great week!

-Your friends at Credo